Campus Community

MIT staff set up the Commencement stage; photo: Dominick Reuter

The Commencement 2025 ceremonies are scheduled for May 28–30. Information will continue to populate this site as details for the 2025 festivities are confirmed.

Welcome, MIT community members! Please see the Schedule page for an overview of the festivities.

We recommend that community members remain alert to the campus changes information for updates about parking, garage and road closures, and building access issues during Commencement week.

We would never be able to pull off beautiful graduation ceremonies without the help of the MIT community—and we have opportunities to contribute every year! Potential event staff should note that the MIT senior administration both supports and encourages staff participation in Commencement and that your supervisor can answer payroll-related questions. Each year, hundreds of staff and students contribute their time to make these special occasions great for the graduates and their families. Thank you! It makes all the difference.

Commencement event staff

We appreciate your interest in working with us during Commencement week! The engagement of MIT staff and students is vital to the ceremonies’ success. We give directions, answer questions, make conversation with guests, and help them solve problems. Registration is now open—welcome to the team!